Also this year, there was a traditional and popular activity organized by our client Mondi Štětí, which is the largest producer of paper and pulp on the Czech market. On the last day of May, the Day of Change event happened on company´s premises. Its main goal is to inspire employees and other participants to make positive changes in their lives and thereby help themselves, their loved ones, their surroundings, and the environment. At the same time, it was a great opportunity to communicate the main themes of the MAP2030 Action Plan (Mondi Action Plan 2030) for achieving sustainability goals. All activities had a common theme, which was care. Caring for our planet, our health, both in terms of prevention and safety at work. Our main task was to support the event by preparing an internal communication campaign, but we also to take care of event production and help with some parts of the content.
At the end of June, we also participated in another nice activity. Thanks to Mondi Czech Republic, a unique paper tower was created in the castle in Žďár nad Sázavou! This required two thousand cardboard boxes, kilometres of tape, but also hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers (including us 😊). The twenty-meter-high paper monument, inspired by the famous baroque architect Santini, was designed by the French artist Olivier Grossetete. The tower attracted not only hundreds of tourists and people living in surroundings, but also dozens of media. The material for the construction was supplied by Mondi Bupak from České Budějovice, and what is very important, Mondi also took care of the recycling of the used material. The used paper was moved to Mondi Štětí to return it back into usage, the paper shopping bags were made from it. They company also recycled the used tape. So, nothing from the tower went to the waste. We were responsible for internal communication, contributed to media relations and prepared a creative solution for an educational trail for visitors.