On Thursday 12 September 2019, we, together with the Czech Association of Breweries and Malthouses, organised a press conference regarding the 7th year of Czech Beer Days 2019. Interim results of the brewing sector for July 2019 were presented, in the presence of journalists, on the sun terrace of T-Anker in the Kotva department store. The results are rather positive – exports have continued to grow; the popularity of lagers has been increasing and consumption of draught beer prevails over PET bottles. Several representatives of breweries, including brewmasters, were introduced at the event. Journalists had the possibility to taste 5 selec ted St. Wenceslas special beers on tap brewed by breweries for the occasion of the Czech Beer Days. They will start traditionally last week in September, on 24 Tuesday, and will end on 30 September, and will be organised throughout the Czech Republic. Tens of large breweries and microbreweries which take part will introduce their special beers at the events, beer tasting, brewery tours or directly at the meetings with brewmasters.

You will find all information on the Czech Beer Days at the official website www.dnyceskehopiva.cz